====== Company Page ====== ==== Navigating ==== In the Pro.Monitor Cockpit, access the **Customer Manager** by clicking to it on the left menu. ''Note: You must have CRM permissions and the CRM module enabled to access this section.'' ==== Viewing and Filtering ==== - Utilize the **Filter** option to display data based on specific criteria like name, type, or last edit date. - Customize the filter column by clicking the **Column** dropdown and select where the filtre need be apply. - You can also click on colnum header for sorting data ==== Adding a New Company ==== - Click the **+** icon at the top left corner of the **Company** tab. - Fill in the following fields: * **Company Name**: The official name of the company. * **Type**: Select "CUSTOMER" for existing customers or "OPPORTUNITY" for potential leads. * **Active**: Choose "Yes" to denote the company as an active customer. * Address details: **Street Address, City, Cantons/Department/State, Country, PostalCode**. * **Web Site**: Enter the URL of the company's website. * **Notes**: Add any relevant additional information. - Click **Create** to save the new company entry. ''Note: Remember to create a contact for the new company!'' ==== Editing a Company ==== - Click the pencil icon next to the name to edit. - The edit dialog will open with the current details. - Update as necessary and click **Save** to confirm the changes. ==== Deleting a Company ==== - Select the desired company using the adjacent checkbox. - Click the trash bin icon to delete the selected entry from the CRM. ''Note: You can also click on the 3 dot icon of eatch row, then choose **Delete** on the list'' ==== Subscribe to Company ==== Subscribing to alerts allow you to receive email notifications when a company's license is nearing expiration. * Identify and select the company of interest by ticking the checkbox next to it. * Click the blue bell icon to subscribe to the selected company. * To unsubscribe, simply click the bell icon with a solidus on it. ''Note: Individual subscriptions can also be managed by clicking on the bell icon for each company row to either subscribe or unsubscribe.'' ===== Notes and Tips ===== - Ensure that company detail are frequently updated and linked to contact to maintain accurate and relevant CRM data. - The **Last edit** column is useful for monitoring recent modifications.