License generator
This application generates and manages license keys for our products
This project is meant to replace the existing license key generator AND to improve current licensing mechanism
License keys are used to control the usage of our product.
The application will generate commercial and test license keys.
The generated keys will be associated to pre-existing customers and prospects.
It will provide the ability to display and report generated licenses and license usage
License key generator
This application will be developped in the cockpit source code base
The code must be modular, allowing to safely include or remove it from the application via maven
The availability of this application will be controlled by at least two factor:
If the application lib has been included in the cockpit package
If the application has been activated by superadmin via a specific mean, like a license key
When enabled, the application will be reachable from left menu, within a CRM section
The CRM section will contain all apps relative to CRM:
License generator
Customer accounts
Update server, etc…
Use cases
Manage customer
Generate custom license keys
The generator will allow to generate license keys based on parameters such as
Each license creation will be associated with:
A license must always be associated with an account
Licenses used for internal usage will use a specific internal flag
Quick generate test keys
It must be possible to quickly generate a license key with default parameters
Reflecting the most common use cases, some action button will help to fast track license creation using default parameters
License table
License dashboard
An email notification mechanism must be implemented to notify when a license is going to expire.
This system will be configured with the following parameters:
Once a day, the system will send an email listing all licenses which are about to expire or expired today
Account name, license type, license count, creator, creation date
License keys
Licensing mechanism improvement
Renew cryptographic to latest standards.
Allow larger license payload.
Enable the use of our “future” license server.
Create a new license model for the cockpit to avoid having to set individual licenses on each collector.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/internal.backup/crm/generator.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 15:35 (external edit)