
Manage API Keys

Managing API Keys in the Customer Manager allows you to control access to services for different customers.

In the Pro.Monitor Cockpit, access the Customer Manager by clicking on the corresponding tab in the top navigation bar.

Note: You must have CRM permissions and the CRM module enabled to access this section.

  • Locate the customer account for which you want to manage API Keys.
  • Click on the 3 dot button corresponding to the customer.
  • Select Manage APIKey from the drop-down menu.

Creating a New API Key

  • In the Management ApiKey window, click on the + (plus) icon to create a new API Key.
  • A new entry line will appear where you can enter details for the new API Key.
  • The APIKey field will be generated automatically.
  • Add any relevant Notes for the API Key.
  • Once all details are filled in, click Save to create the API Key.

Viewing API Keys

  • Existing API Keys are listed in the Management ApiKey window.
  • Each key has an obscured middle section for security purposes, displayed as “••••••”.
  • You can see the full API Key by clicking on the Key icon, make sure to keep it confidential.

Deleting an API Key

  • To delete an API Key, click on the red Delete button in the Action column next to the respective API Key.
  • Confirm the deletion in the popup window to revoke access.

Note: Remember to handle API Keys with care as they provide access to our services, review and manage these keys to maintain security.

Notes and Tips

  • API Keys should be kept confidential and only shared with authorized users.
  • It's recommended to set a regular schedule for reviewing and renewing API Keys.
  • Ensure that your API Key notes are consistent and descriptive for easy management.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/internal.backup/crm/userguide/customermanagement/apikey.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 15:35 (external edit)