Processes and steps we should follow when managing support tickets through Jira.
/!\ Carefully read the ticket. /!\
Before taking any action, check if the bug is already under investigation in “ProMonitor Dev”:
If not listed, proceed to the next step.
Examine the logs and other data provided by the client to determine if the issue might originate from their end.
Attempt to reproduce the bug based on the client's description to confirm its presence and gather more details.
/!\ Carefully read the ticket. /!\
Pay close attention to details; even a single word, such as “NetWeaver Report” can significantly alter the investigation.
Verify all attached screenshots to ensure alignment with the client's description of the issue.
If the ticket contains unfamiliar terms that are not overly generic, use Google to better understand them.
Example term to check: “SAP XXXXX”.
Search our internal knowledge base at to find existing documentation on the topic.
Note: Documentation may not always be up-to-date.
To understand how it works, read the source code and analyze the relevant sections related to the issue, such as:
Focus on the sections of code directly related :
Verify if they use the same names as those mentioned in the question. Then, carefully read the conditional statements that determine the flow of execution.
Some systems, such as the reporting system, have their unique procedures. In such cases, check the following:
Determine if the feature request is already noted in Jira “ProMonitor Dev”.
If not found on Jira, consult with the lead developer (Ronan).
period = 0: Refers to the last time frame.
When → period < schedule: Indicates potential data loss since some data will be never readed
Aggregate: Memory is keeped between each schedule, adjusted according to the period.
Alarm Disable: Exclude matchin value from analysis after this setting NOT BEFORE.
Report: Function available in ProMonitor v6 that facilitates report generation.
Documentation and Updates: Always keep the Jira ticket updated with your actions and findings. Refer to the internal documentation and training materials for more detailed guidelines.