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Methodology Guide

Processes and steps we should follow when managing support tickets through Jira.

Bugs Reporting

Step 1: Verify Bug Status

/!\ Carefully read the ticket. /!\

Before taking any action, check if the bug is already under investigation in “ProMonitor Dev”:

If not listed, proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Analyze Client Data

Examine the logs and other data provided by the client to determine if the issue might originate from their end.

Step 3: Reproduce the Bug

Attempt to reproduce the bug based on the client's description to confirm its presence and gather more details.

  • Issue is found and can be fixed
    • Create a ticket in “ProMonitor Dev” detailing the issue.
    • Push the fix to SVN with the Ticket ID and name.
    • Send to customer ticket Upcoming Update
  • Issue is found but cannot be fixed immediately
    • Create a ticket in “ProMonitor Dev” detailing the issue.
    • Send to customer ticket Confirmed Issue
  • Issue is not found

Support & Help

Step 1: In-depth Ticket Review

/!\ Carefully read the ticket. /!\

Pay close attention to details; even a single word, such as “NetWeaver Report” can significantly alter the investigation.

Verify all attached screenshots to ensure alignment with the client's description of the issue.

Step 2: Clarify Unknown Terms

If the ticket contains unfamiliar terms that are not overly generic, use Google to better understand them.

Example term to check: “SAP XXXXX”.

Step 3: Consult the Internal Wiki

Search our internal knowledge base at to find existing documentation on the topic.

Note: Documentation may not always be up-to-date.

Step 4: Code Analysis

  • If lacking access to source code and the issue is not documented on the wiki:
    • Contact the development team.

To understand how it works, read the source code and analyze the relevant sections related to the issue, such as:

Focus on the sections of code directly related :


Verify if they use the same names as those mentioned in the question. Then, carefully read the conditional statements that determine the flow of execution.

Step 5: Handle Special Cases

Some systems, such as the reporting system, have their unique procedures. In such cases, check the following:

  • Information is found:
  • Information is not found or feature missing:
    • Check if the feature is in “ProMonitor Dev”
    • Consult with the lead developer (Ronan)

New Feature Requests

Step 1: Check Existing Plans

Determine if the feature request is already noted in Jira “ProMonitor Dev”.

Step 2: Check for Adding to Plans

If not found on Jira, consult with the lead developer (Ronan).

Additional Tips

Understanding Rules, Periods, and Scheduling

period = 0: Refers to the last time frame.
When → period < schedule: Indicates potential data loss since some data will be never readed
Aggregate: Memory is keeped between each schedule, adjusted according to the period.
Alarm Disable: Exclude matchin value from analysis after this setting NOT BEFORE.

Global Knowledge

Report: Function available in ProMonitor v6 that facilitates report generation.

Documentation and Updates: Always keep the Jira ticket updated with your actions and findings. Refer to the internal documentation and training materials for more detailed guidelines.

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/internal.backup/support/methodology.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/17 15:35 (external edit)