SAPControl connector
With the SAP control connector, you can collect information available through the SAP management console for ABAP and JAVA stack systems:
This connector uses the SAPControl web services available on each instance
One connector per monitored application server can be necessary
To create connector, there are two steps:
Create an
OS user and register it in Pro.Monitor
Create and set connector parameters
Create user profile
User profiles can be reached via Systems→SAP users
Create a new profile using the “Add” button
Once created, the user profile can be selected in the connector form
Note: A user profile is by default associated with a company . You can explicitly set a profile to be cross companies. The effect is that it will be selectable from connectors of any companies.
The corresponding user must be created in the server at
OS level, and associated with the appropriate user group in order to have the authorization to execute the webservices
Note 927637 for more information about user settings on the application server
Look for the section describing the use of service/protectedwebmethods, make sure to allow the access of all Getter/Reader services :
Create connector
Select the system in the Systems tree and select “Add connector” in its contextual menu, choose ABAP type.
The default ABAP connector form will let you configure a connection to the message server.
Host: the hostname or IP address of the ABAP message server
System number: The system number of the application server, this will define connection ports: 5XX13 or 5XX14 if secure mode is on.
User: The user profile to use for the connection
Force connection port: To use if the port of the service is different than 5XX13 or 5XX14
Press Save & Test to save the profile and check the connection is working
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.5/userguide/systemsconnectors/sapcontrol.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)