===== ScienceLogic Plugin ===== ==== Purpose ==== * The ScienceLogic plugin gives the possibility to send metrics, alarms and metadata to the ScienceLogic platform * Once active, this plugin will collect all generated alerts and metrics and regularly post them to ScienceLogic * It is possible to define several ScienceLogic plugins, for example if a secondary collector is in place. {{.:..:..:plugins:sciencelogicplugin1.png}} ==== Configuration ==== * As a prerequisites, the SAP Powerpack must be installed in ScienceLogic platform * From the plugin menu, select ScienceLogic type and create the plugin, this will open plugin configuration screen * Fill the plugin settings form: * **Enabled:** To enable or disable the plugin * **Name:** The name of the plugin to display in the list of plugins * **Host:** The hostname of the target ScienceLogic collector * **Port:** The listening port of the ScienceLogic SAP powerpack agent * **User/Password:** Credentials for the SAP powerpack API * **Secure Mode*:** To set if HTTPS connection must be used (see below for more information * **Device state synchronization:** If active, Pro.Monitor will detect when a device is set in maintenance mode in ScienceLogic and automatically pause and resume the monitoring. * **Max chunk size:** The maximum number of alerts or metrics waiting in the output buffer. Used to limit the memory usage if events are created faster than consumed. * Once configured, you can press the test button to check if the settings are correct. ==== Secure Mode ==== * In most cases, the secure mode will only work if you register the server certificate in the Pro.Monitor certificate store: * Export the certificate by connecting in HTTPS to the API with a browser, with the CER format. * Insert the certificate to the store with the following command: * //keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias yourAliasName -file path\to\certificate.cer