====== Datadog integration ====== ===== Architecture ===== {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230202-092621.png}} * To visualize SAP monitoring data in your Datadog instance, you need to install a Pro.Monitor collector in each data center hosting the systems. * Pro.Monitor will act as a proxy between your SAP systems and Datadog. * It will connect remotely to each SAP system and will therefore need to be installed in a network area allowing to do so {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-111609.png?width=1024}} ===== Skills ===== * Those responsible for installing the solution should have the following skills: * Basic linux administration for installing software and creating user accounts * SAP basis users & authorizations administration * Database users administration * Network administration to implement network routes ===== Prerequisites ===== * A Pro.Monitor license, requested at support@agentil-software.com. * A dedicated Linux VM with [[..:..:installguide:prerequisites|appropriate specs]] * Network routes open toward SAP [[..:..:installguide:prerequisites#network|application ports]] * A dedicated user created on each system to monitor (See [[..:..:installguide:prerequisites#users_and_authorizations|create SAP users]]) * See AGENTIL's Pro.Monitor Prerequisites Documentation for more details. ===== Installation ===== Insalling and configuring Pro.Monitor should not take more than an hour if prerequisites are set correctly * Install the JAVA JRE * Download the latest Pro.Monitor package. * Copy the package into a temporary folder - Not in /opt * Execute below commands: tar -zxvf [PACKAGE FILE NAME] ./install.sh systemctl start promonitor * Pro.Monitor should be up and running. ===== Configuration ===== **You can configure Pro.Monitor using a web interface:** * Visit http://[PRO.MONITOR VM HOSTNAME]:8888 in a web browser. The default username/password combination is admin/admin ==== Install license ==== * Click the gear icon on the top right to open a menu. Then, select Licenses. * Copy the provided license keys and save ==== Install drivers ==== * Get the latest SAP JCO driver for Linux and unzip the file to extract a tgz archive. * Click the gear icon on the top right to open a menu. Then, select Admin configuration and go the **Upload/Download** section. * Click on Install JCO driver and select the driver file (file name similar to sapjco30P_17-10005328_linux.tgz). {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-121410.png}} ==== Connection to Datadog ==== To connect Pro.Monitor to Datadog, you need first to create keys in Datadog and then register those keys in Pro.monitor === Datadog: Create API & APP keys === * You need first to connect to you Datadog instance and create dedicated API and APP keys * Navigate to the organization settings and use API & APP keys tab to create the keys: {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20230214-100049.png}} === Pro.Monitor: Register keys in a plugin === * Now you will register the keys within a Pro.Monitor plugin. * Go back to Pro.Monitor web interface and click the top right gear icon and navigate to **Plugins**. * Select the Datadog type in the plugin selector and press create. * **Hostname must be as such:** : https://api.datadoghq.[Region] (Ex. https://api.datadoghq.eu) * Set your Datadog API and APP keys and save * Pro.Monitor is now connected to your Datadog instance. {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-122243.png}} ==== Connection to SAP ==== For connecting Pro.Monitor to a SAP system, you will need first to create a group, a system, a user and a connector. * **Create your first group** {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-113445.png}} * Fill the group formular * Don't foget to set group shortname and company shortname: {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-114016.png}} * **You can now create your first system** * From the group contextual menu, select "Add system" * Select the appropriate system * Don't forget to set system shortname {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-115516.png}} * **Now you can create a user** * From configure menu, select add user {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-115844.png}} * User profiles are associated to a group * It will be used later when creating a connector {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-121033.png}} * **Now you can create connector** * From the system contextual menu, select "Add connector" * Select the appropriate connector type {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-115753.png}} * Then fill the connector form * The connector holds the necessary connection parameters to reach the system * Press **Save&Test**, you should see a green popup indicating a successful connection {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-121242.png}} ==== Configure monitoring ==== The monitoring of SAP systems is done via **monitoring profiles** * **Create your first profile** * You can import, create and customize profiles from the profiles section on the left {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-123500.png}} * From the profiles menu, select **Select default profiles** * Select the **Datadog profile** and press Save. * The imported profile will appear in the list of profiles * Now you can **assign** your profile via the assign button {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-124616.png}} * From the assign menu, just move the available connectors from right to left, then save. * Your connectors are now associated with a set of predefined monitors {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-124215.png}} * Last step: **Activate the monitoring:** * Select a connector and press "Start monitoring" {{:products:promonitor:6.8:userguide:integrations:pasted:20220627-124344.png}} **Monitoring is now active for all your systems, which you should see in Datadog.** ===== Dashboards ====== * Once you activate the integration from the marketplace, predefined dashboards will appear in your Datadog instance. * This is a [[https://agentil.box.com/s/cdtl3xsgf8jsjfk0tvveh218m9w4pzv2|link]] to the latest dashboards ===== Support ===== For support or feature requests, contact AGENTIL Software at support@agentil-software.com