Table of Contents

Generic event server


This plugin makes possible to collect generated metrics, alerts and monitored landscape structure from a third party software by using a REST API. When the Generic event server plugin is created and active, all generated alarms and metrics, will be stored in separate queues.

These queues will be polled via a REST API to collect alarms and metrics by chunks. Once the plugin is active, it is necessary to poll queues very regularly.

Warning: Queues are not persistent and are stored in memory. They will be lost if the Pro.Monitor server is restarted.


Parameter Description Mandatory
Name Give a name to the plugin Yes
Allowed IPs To restrict the IPs allowed to call the service, Use * for all Yes
Max alarm queue size The size of the queue holding the alarms Yes
Max metric queue size The size of the queue holding the metrics Yes
Enable cache Activate metrics caching No
Track distinct time series If enabled, Pro.Monitor will record distinct timeseries (see explanation below) Yes

Note: To preserve server memory, alarms and metrics queue have a maximum size. If a queue is full, any new element will replace the oldest one.

Estimated memory consumption of alarms and metrics queues: 200 KB for chunk of 1000 alarms/metrics


The API can be used only with an authenticated user. He must have the monitoring authorization.

The API call must always include an Authorization header with Basic authentication key.

API Endpoints

Metrics caching

Distinct time series tracking

GET /plugins/statistics/distinct_ts?type=GENERIC_EVENT_SERVER