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Datadog plugin


  • The Datadog plugins allows to integrate Pro.Monitor with Datadog via its API
  • Devices, events and metrics discovered by Pro.Monitor will become visible in Datadog
  • Predefined dashboards can be downloaded from Datadog market place on Pro.Monitor's page.


  • Metrics: To send metrics to Datadog only requires to create an active Datadog plugin.
  • Alarms: Sending alarms also requires a dedicated alarm rule. This is where you can eventually decide to filter out some alarms.

To create a plugin, you simply need to register the following:

  • Datadog API endpoint
  • Your Datadog API key
  • Your Datadog application key

If you want to stop the data flow between Pro.Monitor and Datadog, you can deactivate the plugin.


/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/1.0/userguide/settings/datadog.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)