User Tools

Site Tools



Users settings menu helps to create and manage users. 


  • The users settings shows a table of the existing users within the tenant
  • It allows the following actions:
    • Create/Edit a user
    • Delete/bulk delete users
    • Invite users


  • Press Create or select Edit in the table action menu to open the user editor
  • Set the users parameters

User name and password must be unique across all tenants.

It must also follow a strong password policy, with at least:

  • 8 characters
  • 1 special character
  • 1 upper case
  • 1 lower case
  • 1 numeric

Delete/Bulk delete

  • You can delete a single user or a group of users by either using the table action menu or the delete selection button

Invite users

  • You can invite users by providing a list of email addresses.
  • Each user will receive a subscription link by email allowing to create his account
  • You can directly define the team or the authorizations that will be automatically associated to each invited user
  • If a user doesn't receive the invite email, you can still retraive the invite link from the table and send it to him

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/1.0/userguide/settings/users.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)