The e-mail plugin gives the possibility to send alarms via e-mail
Once active, this plugin will collect all generated alerts and send e-mails only if the alert haven’t been already notified by a previous e-mail
It is possible to define several receivers, receivers in copy and receivers in blind copy.
As a prerequisites, Pro.Monitor has to have access to an SMTP server
In the Administrator “Plugins” menu item, select Mail type and create the plugin, this will open the plugin configuration screen
If an e-mail gateway is defined in Pro.Monitor via the admin configuration (Admin Configuration –> Mail gateaway) you can import those settings directly in a plugin by simply clicking on the “Copy mail gateway settings if configured” button (on top of the settings sections) , corresponding fields will then be automatically filled. (see image I)
Fill the plugin settings form:
Enabled: To enable or disable the plugin
Name: The name of the plugin to display in the list of plugins
Server*: URL to the SMTP server
Port*: Port to use to address the server
Secure TLS connection*: To set if the server need to communicate via a secure TLS connection
Username/Password*: If an authentication to the server is mandatory the credentials can be defined here
From: Define the sender’s e-mail address
To: Type in this field a receiver e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
Cc: Type in this field a receiver in copy e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers in copy list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
Bcc: Type in this field a receiver in blind copy e-mail address and hit the add button to add this address the receivers in blind copy list. To delete a receiver use the delete button
Text or HTML : Define content type mail
Subject : Subject email sended
Email body : Customize the content email.
Notice that you can use the following predefined Pro.Monitor variables along “Subject” and “Email body” fields:
%ID% : will write the Alarm ID
%GROUP% : will write the Group (Company) name
%SID% : will write the System ID (SID)
%INSTANCE% : will write the Pro.Monitor instance name
%SEVERITY% : will write the the Alarm severity level
%MESSAGE% : will write the message sent by the Alarm
%MODULE% : will write the Alarm module
%TO_CLEAR% : will write “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is to be cleared or not
%CLEARABLE% : will write “true” or “false” depending on if the Alarm is a “can-be-cleared” type or not
%TIMESTAMP% : will write the timestamp of the Alarm
%COMPONENT% : will write the Alarm component (i.e. “disk”)
%STACK% : will write the alarm stack type
%ALARM_TAG% : will write the description of the alarm tag
%CLEARED% : will write “CLEARED” if the Alarn has been already cleared or “” (none) if not
%COUNT% : will write alarm counter
%AGENT% : will write the Agent UUID (Pro.Monitor internal Agent unique identifier code)
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit.old/6.7/userguide/configuration/plugins/email.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:39 (external edit)