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Collector onboarding

Collectors are proxies allowing the cockpit the connect to remote devices and collect data.
At least one collector must be associated to a group of systems


  • You must be an admin user to onboard a collector
  • You must have completed the installation of a Redpeaks collector


Deploy and connect

  • Request a license for your collector by providing its IP adress
  • Install the provided license in the collector via Settings→License
  • From Cockpit Collectors→API key menu, create a new API key and copy its id.
  • From the collector, navigate to Settings→Plugins and select a Redpeaks type plugin to create a new one
    • Set its arbitrary name
    • Use cockpit URL in URL field, such as: https://[COCKPIT HOST]:[COCKPIT PORT]
    • Use provided API key
    • Set chunks (400 is an acceptable value)
    • Set enabled to true
  • Once cockpit plugin is configured, the collector should appear in the Collectors table. Use the Refresh button

Configure associations

  • From Collectors menu, use associations tab to assign groups to your collector
  • Keep in mind that all systems configured within the associated groups must be reachable from the collector server

Maintain collectors

  • From Collectors menu, you can visualize collector states, properties and statistics
  • You can also:
    • Collect collector logs
    • Update collectors
    • Restart collectors
  • It is advised to configure alarm rules to notify admin users when an alarm is detected on a collector (such as collector connectivity issue).
    • Use alarm module PROMONITOR_SERVER to identify those alarms
  • Important: When a collector is OFFLINE, all associated groups won't be monitored anymore.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/collector_onboarding.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:52 (external edit)