By default, all generated alarms are propagated to active plugins which in their turn, send them to the appropriate back end.
With the alarm rules, you can define how and when each alarm will be propagated through each plugin.
By example, you could do the following:
Stop on first match:
The configuration of the rule consists of setting following parameters:
Matches with
examplesOperation | Filter value | Comment |
contains | ABC | Matches if value contains text 'ABC' |
contains any | ABC, DEF, GHI | Matches if value contains at least one of the coma separated text |
contains all | ABC + DEF | Matches if value contains all coma separated text |
excludes | !ABC | Matches if value does not contain 'ABC' |
excludes all | !ABC, !DEF | Matches if value does not contain any of the coma separated text |
Regexp | .*ABC.*DEF$ | Matches if value contains ABC and ends with DEF |
Transform syntax:
Note: More transform capabilities to come.