Installation package of Pro.Monitor is an executable file that you can download from our repository
The different install options are described below
Install with WIZARD
Execute the Pro.Monitor installer without any option to start the wizard, then follow the instructions:
Port number: Defines the port from which the application web portal will be accessible. Make sure it is not used by another application.
Super admin credentials: Defines admin credentials that will always be available for connecting to the application
Distant DB server: By default, Pro.Monitor will use its own internal database which will be sufficient in any cases. However, it is possible to use an external database.
DB settings: If you activated distant DB server, you will have to set the DB connection settings (only MSSQL and MYSQL available)
Once all parameters are set, you will reach a screen to start the installation. Press Install
When the installation is over, a confirmation screen will be displayed
Pro.Monitor will be installed as a service
Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at http://localhost:8888 (by default)
SILENT installer
Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with /SILENT option to install Pro.Monitor directly with the default settings. An application popup will still be displayed for showing installation progresses and results.
Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with /VERYSILENT option to install Pro.Monitor without any interaction at all.
Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at http://localhost:8888 (by default)
Default settings
Application portal port: 8888 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS
Rename [Install_path]\db\uiweb folder to uiweb.old
Wait 5 minutes that all monitoring processes are over
Follow the same steps than for the first installation, the installer will detect that you are doing an upgrade.
The service will restart automatically
Once the service is back online, log in and apply your last snapshot
Upgrade Pro.Monitor from a V6.7 base
Perform a configuration snapshot (recommended)
Stop Pro.Monitor service
Wait 5 minutes that all monitoring processes are over
Follow the same steps than for the first installation, the installer will detect that you are doing an upgrade.
The service will restart automatically
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.7/installguide/installpromonitor.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/15 17:47 by rbariou