Quick search input field : enter a text to search among Username and Group table columns
Import users button : allows to import Pro.Monitor users previously saved in a .csv file format
Creating users
check “Ask for a password reset” if the new user has to reset his password at first login, the application will automatically take care of this operation
check / uncheck the “Activated” option to grant/deny access to the application
check “Administrator” if the new user need to have Adminstrator full rights
check “Monitoring API user”
Authorization profiles : Administrators can assign one or more Authorizations Profiles to a user.
select an Authorization profile
click on “Add”
repeat previous steps to add more Authorizations profiles
it is possible to unassign any Authorization profile by clicking the delete icon corresponding to the Authorization profile to be deleted
if you need to delete few Authorization profiles at once, use “all / none” checked feature or check single Authorization profiles to be deleted, then click on “Bulk deletion”
Pro.Monitor users access authorizations
Pro.Monitor gives the possibility to acess the application in two different ways :
using an Administrator managed Pro.Monitor user credentials and rights
via LDAP (to access this function, go to : Administrator settings → Admin Configuration → LDAP/AD)
If LDAP authentication mode is active and a non authorized user attempts to access the application - entering valid credentials - a message will be sent to the user login page and the option of sending an access authorization request will be given (see image below)
Managing Pro.Monitor users access authorizations
If a user has sent an access authorization request (see above section), the administrator will be notified at log-in (notification message).
To manage Access authorization requests go to : Administrator settings → Users → Access authorization requests.
Click on a given access request Edit icon to activate, grant administrator rights, validate the access request.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.7/userguide/administration/usersauthorizations.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/05 13:39 by fnavarro