
ABAP Number ranges


Number ranges of objects are used to define a range of possible serial numbers for SAP documents.
To run short on numbers will cause problems in document generation and must be monitored.

Configuration hints

  • Define the objects to monitor in the surveillance table.
  • Each object set in the table will be collected and checked.
  • If the remaining slots of any of its range are too low, an alarm will be sent.
  • A filter can be set on the sub object to target a specific object or exclude some others.
  • Each range of a target object will be checked and might be triggering an alarm.
  • Use the threshold field to set maximum usage, you can use multi threshold syntax

Fetch all objects

  • If enabled, the monitor will collect all available objects. This can be used if you want to monitor a wide range of objects and use regular expressions to match them.
  • Note that this will collect thousands of objects and it is better if that can be avoided

Important note: This monitor might have problems to compute available space for complex ranges composed by prefixes, alpha numeric and special characters. Make sure to test the monitoring of such object carefully.


Fetch all objects If enabled, fetches all available objects

Surveillance table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
ClientA filter to match only a subset of clients.
ObjectThe object to monitor. Use the exact object name or a regex if “Fetch all objects” is enabled
Sub ObjectA filter on the sub object name. Use plain text or regex
Range A filter on the range
Max used space (%)The maximum used ratio of the range in percent. You can use multi-threshold (G2W:90 W2M:95) or absolute value
SeverityThe severity of the generated alarm
Auto clearIf checked, the alarm will be cleared as soon as the alarm conditions are not fulfilled anymore.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for QOS generation.
ReportIf checked, this line of surveillance will used for showing threshold and severity in the daily report


ActiveClientObjectSub objectRangeMax used spaceSeverityAuto clearAlarm tagAlarmMetricReport
true800RV_BELEG**G2W:90 W2M:95MAJORtrue truefalsetrue

Effect : Collects number ranges for object RV_BELEG and sends a WARNING alarm if over 90% or a MAJOR alarm if over 95%. Sends also a metric for every single range.

Generated metrics

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/monitorsguide/netweaver/abapnumberranges.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/28 17:12 by rbariou