
Application logs

Monitoring of the application logs statistics of a subset of objects. Generate alerts when the amount of logs from a given class and type is over a threshold.

Configuration hints

This monitor can track the amount of logs and messages for a given list of objects. It will report alarms based on filters on message class and severity.

Adding objects

  • Use the “Add Line” button to discover existing log objects and sub-objects in the system.
  • Select the objects to monitor
  • Then select the type of check:
    • LOG: Compares the threshold to the number of logs matching the filter
    • MESSAGES: Compares the threshold to the total number of messages contained in an object log.
  • Then you can set specific filters on:
    • client
    • user
    • transaction
    • mode.
  • Select the minimum severity class of the log that you want to take into account.


  • The monitor will collect application log statistics for each registered object and match them against the filter.
  • Only the log objects generated since the last check will be collected. (From the last 15 minutes if the monitor runs every 15 min)
  • The remaining logs will be counted and compared against the threshold.
  • If check type is MESSAGES and aggregate is set to false, then the threshold will be compared to the number of messages of each single log entry and report an alarm for each one above the threshold.


  • It is not possible to set filters on text messages contained in the logs, only importance and severity can be monitored.


  • Send metadata:
    • If enabled, this parameter will send collected application logs as metadata to the configured plugins/integrations
    • It can usually be retrieved as logs or tabular data within the corresponding integrations
    • Important: A dedicated transport must be imported in order to allow this capability (Please contact Agentil-Software at
  • Send metrics
    • If enabled, the monitor will send application logs metrics (See metrics table below)

Surveillance table

ActiveTo enable or disable a rule
Check typeDefines how the threshold will be used. LOG: Compare the threshold to the number of log entries matching the filter. MESSAGES: Compare the total number of messages contained in log entries to the threshold.
ObjectThe log object to check for. Use “Add Line” to discover all available objects
Sub-objectThe log sub-object to check for. Use “Add Line” to discover all available objects
ClientTo filter results for specific client. You can use regular expressions
UserTo filter results for specific user. You can use regular expressions
TransactionTo filter results for specific transaction. You can use regular expressions
ReportTo filter results for specific report. You can use regular expressions
ModeTo filter results for specific mode. You can use regular expressions
Minimum log classThe minimum importance level for a log entry to be taken into account. You can select for example only logs containing very important messages
TypeThe type of log messages to look for. You can for example look for ABORTED messages only
ThresholdThe number to which will be compared the number of logs or the number of messages (depends on check type)
Aggr.If set to true, only one alarm per line will be sent, reporting the number of log entries matching the filter. If set to false, one alarm per log entry will be sent.
SeverityThe severity of the alarm generated if threshold is breached.
Alarm tagA field to use if you want to prefix alarm message with a given text.
AlarmEnable/disable alarm sending
MetricEnable/disable metric sending
ReportFor future usage in reports

Generated metrics

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/monitorsguide/netweaver/applicationlogs.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)