
SAP Jobs monitoring

This monitor is dedicated to surveillance of SAP background jobs. It will watch for job error status,
duration, delay and job occurrence. You can set general rules to watch any job and be notified as 
soon as any fails. You can also configure specific rules for a given job to monitor its execution plan.
A dedicated table is available to help managing notifications for specific job failures.

Monitored parameters

SAP job status

  • Monitor jobs with ABORTED state
  • Receive an alarm if a given job is ABORTED
    • Example: Job XYZ has been ABORTED on 2023/04/23 05:23
    • In the above example, the aggregate mode is OFF
  • Receive an alarm if a number of jobs greater than a threshold are ABORTED
    • Example: 15 jobs matching Z_ABC* name have been aborted (>=10) in the last 60 minutes
    • In the above example, the aggregate mode is ON
  • You can filter jobs from a particular name, client and user
  • Use the Max duration or Max start delay threshold to activate duration and delay monitoring (must be > 0)
  • The severity of the alert can be customized with Abort. sev field
  • The aggregate option can be used to define the granularity of the monitoring:
    • OFF: One alarm per job
    • ON: One alarm for all jobs within the collected period

SAP job duration and delay

  • Receive an alarm if a given job's duration or delay is too long
    • Example: Job XYZ is running since 46 minutes (>=30 min)
    • In the above example, the aggregate mode is OFF
  • Receive aggregated alarm reporting how many jobs are running or delayed for too long
    • Example: 15 jobs matching Z_ABC* are delayed since 40 min (>=10)
    • In the above example, the aggregate mode is OFF
  • You can filter jobs from a particular name, client and user
  • Use the Max aborts threshold to activate job status monitoring (must be > 0)
  • The severity of the alert can be customized with Duration/Delay severity fields
  • The aggregate option can be used to define the granularity of the monitoring:
    • OFF: One alarm per job
    • ON: One alarm for all jobs within the collected period

SAP job occurence

  • The purpose of this check is to be notified when a job expected run on a particular schedule is missing.
  • You can configure a given period and make sure the job runs at least once in that period (Ex: once per 60 min)
  • You can also configure a given schedule (with a CRON) and schedule period to make sure a job runs by an exact schedule (Ex: within 10:00 and 10:15)
  • To configure a particular period, use the wizard which offers multiple possibilities:
    • Since last check
    • Since last X minutes
    • Every X minutes/hours/…, starting from time X
    • At schedule time: Use a Cron schedule and period (Schedule period length)
      • Examples:
        • “0 0/15 * * * ? *” for 5 min → Checks if the job runs at least once every 15 minutes
          • In this example, the job must run within a 5 minutes period after the cron period start:
          • Between 12h30 and 12h35, then between 12h45 and 12h50, etc…
        • “0 0 23 * * ? *” for 60 min → Checks if the job runs once a day between 11pm and 12pm
  • As for other checks, you can filter on job name, user and client.
  • The severity of the alert can be customized with occurence severity field

SAP jobs calendars

  • Sometimes the wrong calendar can be assigned to a given job within a SAP system.
  • This check can detect when the assigned calendar is not the expected one.
  • Set the calendar ID in the calendar field, an alarm will be sent automatically.

Configuration hints

Load SAP jobs

  • The monitor has the capability to discover SAP jobs from your system and let you select the ones to watch.
  • Just click on the Load jobs button to display the list of discovered jobs

Configuration wizard

  • The table of rules contains lot's of paramaters which can be difficult to understand at the first place.
  • Use the wizard to open a configuration screen which will help you to configure exactly what you need.
  • Once parameters are set in the wizard, they will be transfered into the configuration table, where you can modify them if needed
  • Some configuration can only be achieved via the wizard:
    • SAP job occurence following a custom period or schedule

Time period

  • By default, this monitor will look for jobs started since the last check
  • However, you can configure an arbitrary period, such as since last 15 min or 60 min which will be used even if the monitor runs every 5 minutes
  • This can be configured via the wizard

Filtering rules

  • This monitor allows to define multiple rules for different use cases
  • Those use cases are often implemented by setting filters on job name, client and user.
  • The filtering syntax is a bit special for this monitor, because job name is not filtered the same way than user and client
  • Job name: Use * to replace any trailing character of the job name
    • Z_ABC* → matches jobs starting with Z_ABC
    • Cannot be used for this: *_PROCESSING → will generate an error
    • If you want to use advanced filtering for job name, you need to activate Advanced match option

Exclusive option

  • The exclusive check box defines weither a rule is exclusive or not: When it is active, any data matching the filter will not be processed by the next rules
  • This can be useful to create specific rules for results which shall not be processed by general monitoring rules

Notification table

  • This table helps to simplify the management of notifications for SAP job alarms
  • You can define a job and client to associate with email recipients
  • If a mail plugin is configured to receive SAP job alarms, the recipients will automatically receive the alarm per email when the corresponding jobs trigger an alarm
  • I becomes easy to handle different recipients for some specific jobs

Atomic fields

Exclusion ListThe exclusion list can be used when you activated to SAP jobs collection in the daily report monitor job. You can specify a list of jobs that you want to ignore, so they do not appear in the report. Note: This has no effect on the real time surveillance!
Metadata If active all collected jobs will be sent to plugin compatible with metadata processing

Configuration table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate a line of configuration.
Job nameA filter to define the job that you want to monitor. Use * for all.
ClientA filter to match only a subset of clients.
Schedule infoDefines the schedule defined for the job. This field can only be modified via the wizard.
Max abortsThe threshold for the maximum number of aborted jobs within a period.
Abort sev.Defines the severity of the alarm to send if a job get aborted.
AggregateIf checked, an alarm will be sent if the total number of aborted jobs is over the threshold. If not check, then one alarm will be sent per job having a number of abort status equal or greater than the threshold.
Max durationThe threshold for the maximum job duration in seconds
Duration severityThe severity for the duration alarm.
Max start delayThe threshold for the maximum execution delay.
Delay severityThe severity for the delay alarm.
Occurrence severityThe severity used for schedule alarm.
CalendarThe execution calendar of the job. The check of the job won't be performed on calendar's closed days.
Alarm tagThis field allows to add custom text within the alarm message. %MSG% variable will contain the actual generated message and can be used such as: “my_prefix %MSG% my_suffix”. By default, tag will be used as prefix.
Advanced matchIf checked, will fetch all executed jobs from SAP and matches them according to specified job name with an advanced method. Collects more data, but allows more advanced matching methods.
ExclusiveIf checked, all jobs matching the rule filter will not be processed by subsequent rules.
AlarmIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for alarm generation.
MetricIf checked, this line of surveillance will be used for metric generation.

Notification table

ActiveUse this field to activate or deactivate this rule
Job nameThe job name to match
ClientThe client to match
RecipientA coma separated list of email recipients
Alarm tagThe optional alarm tag


ActiveJob nameClientSchedule infoMax abortsAbort sev.AggregateMax durationDuration severityMax start delayDelay severityOccurrence severityCalendarAlarm tagAlarmMetric
true**From last 15 min1CRITICALfalse0DISABLED0DISABLEDDISABLEDNonefalsetruefalse

Effect : A CRITICAL alarm will be sent for each aborted job occurred in the last 15 minutes


ActiveJob nameClientSchedule infoMax abortsAbort sev.AggregateMax durationDuration severityMax start delayDelay severityOccurrence severityCalendarAlarm tagAlarmMetric
trueMY_JOB*Every 1 HOURS Starting 2015/01/01 10:001CRITICALfalse15WARNING0DISABLEDMAJORNonefalsetruefalse

Effect : Sends a CRITICAL alarm if job MY_JOB is aborted. Sends a WARNING alarm if the job runs for more than 15 minutes. Sends a MAJOR alarm if the job is not scheduled every hour (one alarm per missed slot).

Generated metrics

JOBS_DURATIONSeconds[JOB] (CLIENT)The duration of the job in seconds
JOBS_STATUSStatus[JOB] (CLIENT)The status of the job exexution. TRUE if success, FALSE instead
ABORTED_JOBSAborted jobs[JOB] (CLIENT)The number of aborted jobs matching the filter.
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/monitorsguide/netweaver/sapjobsmonitoring.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)