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Pro.Mononitor provides comprehensive SAML 2 support, this section descibes 
how to configure SAML2 to authenticate with an external entity such as Ping Identity, OKTA or Microsoft Azure


1. Fill the 3 first fields below:

  • Active : Enable or disable the SAML authentication
  • Registration ID : SAML registration ID (Example : ping, okta…)
  • Entity ID : Globally unique name for a SAML entity (Identity Provider (IdP) or Service Provider (SP))
  • IDP Metadata URL : URL of SAML Metadata provide by your SAML provider

2. Click on Load from IDP Metadata URL, This will automatically fill the below fields:

  • Issuer ID : entityID field from IDP metadata (Look for tag <md:EntityDescriptor>)
  • Single Logout Service : Location field from IDP metadata (Look for tag <md:SingleLogoutService, bindgins:HTTP-POST)
  • Single Signon Service : Location field from IDP metadata (Look for tag <md:SingleSignOnService, bindgins:HTTP-POST)
  • Certificate : Certificate field from the IDP metadata (Look for tag <ds:X509Certificate>)

Note: If the operation fails to fill the fields automatically, you can set them manually

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/administration/adminconfig/saml.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)