Define the systems to monitor via the creation of companies, systems and connectors
Define how to monitor the systems by creating monitoring profiles
Assign profiles to systems to define how they will be monitored
The same profile can be associated to several systems, allowing to centralize the monitoring configuration
1. Define WHAT to monitor: the systems
Systems are organized within companies - also called groups - and are monitored via connectors
Create groups/companies
Connectors are grouped within companies and systems
Start by creating companies manually via the Systems→Companies menu
Companies can be used to represent organizational units
The companies menu helps to create, update or delete companies
Create systems
A system represents an SAP system, per SAP terminology
You can add systems from the Profiles or company menu
Select the type of system you want to create
Systems are identified by a trigram, the SID
Create connectors
Connectors can be manually created for NetWeaver and BusinessObjects systems
Connectors for HANA systems are created automatically based on settings defined in the system profile. One connector per tenant will be created.
To create a connector, open the menu of the target system and select Add connector
A connector form will open, allowing to setup the connector parameters
2. Define HOW to monitor: the profiles
Get a profile from the monitoring library or create and populate your own
Customize the monitors of the profile
Monitoring profile definition
The configuration of the monitoring is defined in the profiles
To monitor a system, simply assign profiles to its connectors
Default profiles are provided to facilitate the setup of the monitoring, you can visualize them via the menu PROFILES→Select default profiles
These profiles contains monitors with a default configuration
To visualize the content of a profile, simply select one in the PROFILES section, this will display its current monitors (1)
Use the assign button to associate a profile to one or several connectors. This will open a screen where you will be able to move connectors from right to left and vice versa. The ones on the left will use the profile
You can also create empty profiles and define exactly which monitors you want to activate
Profile Customization
From a profile, you can press the EDIT button to open the list of available monitors
On the right side are displayed the available monitors and on the left, the ones already used in the profile.
Simply move the monitors left and right to add and remove monitors.
Warning: If you remove a monitor from a profile, you will loose its customization, and it won’t be used against the assigned systems.
Configure the monitors
Once you have selected the monitors of a profile, you can customize them.
Monitors will perform the actual monitoring, by fetching and analyzing data from the systems, and then generating alarms, metrics and reports.
The configuration screen of each monitor gives the possibility to define exactly how a monitor should react, and what kind of metadata it should produce.
The customization of a monitor is local to a profile and will not be influenced by customizations done in other profiles.
To customize a monitor, press its EDIT button.
All monitors will have customizable parameters specific to each type, but they will also share a set common settings (2):
State: If active (green led), the monitor will be executed.
Schedule: Defines how often a monitor will be executed. Press Edit schedules to create new schedules
Timeout: Define the execution time allocated to a monitor before triggering a timeout.
From the top right side of the screen, you have the following actions (2):
Activate/Deactivate: Modify the state of the monitor
Save the monitor
Clear the monitor: Will remove customized parameters and fall back to its default configuration
Help: Displays documentation about how to use and configure the monitor
Close: Closes the configuration screen
Surveillance table
Most monitors can be customized via a surveillance table.
You can create several rules and set parameters like filters, thresholds, severities, periods, etc…
Each surveillance table will be specific to a type of monitor and will reflect the relevant settings necessary to configure the monitor. Use the Help button of each monitor to get more detailed information
However, some parameters are often common to many monitors and will be briefly described here (3):
Severity: The severity of the generated alert
Auto clear: If an alarm condition is not valid anymore, send a signal to clear the generated alarm
Alarm tag: Used to associate a tag to an alarm message.
Alarm, Metric: If active, sends respectively an alarm or a metric
Report: If active, the line of surveillance will be used to highlight problems in the reports
Rules can be managed with the Add, Remove or Clone buttons
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/configuration/configurationprinciples.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)