
Install Pro.Monitor on Windows

  • Installation package of Pro.Monitor is an executable file that you can download from our repository
  • The different install options are described below

Install with WIZARD

  • Execute the Pro.Monitor installer without any option to start the wizard, then follow the instructions:
    • Port number: Defines the port from which the application web portal will be accessible. Make sure it is not used by another application.
    • Super admin credentials: Defines admin credentials that will always be available for connecting to the application
    • Distant DB server: By default, Pro.Monitor will use its own internal database which will be sufficient in any cases. However, it is possible to use an external database.
    • DB settings: If you activated distant DB server, you will have to set the DB connection settings (only MSSQL and MYSQL available)
  • Once all parameters are set, you will reach a screen to start the installation. Press Install
  • When the installation is over, a confirmation screen will be displayed
  • Pro.Monitor will be installed as a service
  • Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at http://localhost:8888 (by default)

SILENT installer

  • Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with /SILENT option to install Pro.Monitor directly with the default settings. An application popup will still be displayed for showing installation progresses and results.
  • Execute the Pro.Monitor installer with /VERYSILENT option to install Pro.Monitor without any interaction at all.
  • Few seconds later, the application will be running and reachable at http://localhost:8888 (by default)

Default settings

  • Application portal port: 8888 for HTTP and 8443 for HTTPS
  • Installation directory path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Agentil
  • Admin credentials: admin/admin
  • Local DB
  • Runs as windows service named: Pro_Monitor

Upgrade Pro.Monitor from V6.6.4 and older

  • Perform a configuration snapshot (recommended)
  • Stop Pro.Monitor service
  • Rename [Install_path]\db\uiweb folder to uiweb.old
  • Wait 5 minutes that all monitoring processes are over
  • Follow the same steps than for the first installation, the installer will detect that you are doing an upgrade.
  • The service will restart automatically
  • Once the service is back online, log in and apply your last snapshot

Upgrade Pro.Monitor from a V6.7 base

  • Perform a configuration snapshot (recommended)
  • Stop Pro.Monitor service
  • Wait 5 minutes that all monitoring processes are over
  • Follow the same steps than for the first installation, the installer will detect that you are doing an upgrade.
  • The service will restart automatically
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/installguide/installpromonitor.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/16 10:33 (external edit)