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The hardware requirements directly depends on the number of SAP systems that you want to monitor.​

SAP systems CPU Application Memory Disk
<10 4 Cores 6 GB 50 GB
<50 4 Cores 8 GB 100 GB
<100 6 Cores 12 GB 200 GB
>100 8 Cores 16 GB 500 GB

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Supported OS:

  • Linux CentOS/SUSE/RedHat (7 or above) systemctl must be available for a smooth installation

Mandatory software:

  • Java OpenJDK 11 or above (64 bits)
  • SAP JCO drivers for SAP NetWeaver systems
  • SAP HANA drivers for HANA systems


Network routes must be open between Pro.Monitor server and all nodes of the monitored SAP systems. Below table indicates the standard ports to open.

SAP system type Ports to open (defaults)
SAP NetWeaver 36XX (Message server)
33XX (App. Server)
48XX (if using SNC)
SAP BusinessObjects 64XX (XX: System number)

Users and authorizations

Pro.Monitor will connect remotely to your systems by using a dedicated user on each system. To create those users is a prerequisite.

MUST READ : User creation details

NetWeaver - ABAP:

  • Pro.Monitor uses a Communications data user associated with the provided authorization profile
  • In most cases, user can be created in client 000. But sometimes access to target client must be necessary as well.

NetWeaver - SAPControl:

  • Pro.Monitor uses SAPControl web services to collect information on the system.
  • The access to these services can be either without authentication, or controlled by using an OS user similar than [SID]adm, see Note 927637
  • Look for the section describing the use of service/protectedwebmethods, make sure to allow the access of all Getter/Reader services


  • SQL user associated with MONITORING role​


  • User access to CMS repository and CMC portal
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/installguide/prerequisites.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/04 11:52 (external edit)