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User interface

Once you have logged-in, Pro.Monitor main page is displayed :

Find here below a detailed description of the different elements of the main page :

Find here below a description of the different sections :

1 - Left Menu Navigator

To the left of your main page, you will find the Left Menu Navigator that will allow you to perform multiple operations as :

  • create, edit and delete Companies, Systems and Connectors
  • create, edit, delete, assign Monitoring Profiles
  • display all Companies (Groups) and underlying elements

A - Netweaver and BO top tabs

  • Switch between these two tabs to display all Hana and Netweaver SAP systems or SAP Business Objects (BO) systems

B - Systems

  • Use this menu item to :
    • Add Groups (Companies)
    • Add all kind of SAP Systems
    • Open the Pro.Monitor System reports page
  • You can modify the Left Menu Navigator view using System or Company tabs as follows :

C - Company (Group) item

  • Click on any Company menu item to expand it and so display all Systems belonging to that Group
  • Use its sub-menu to edit or delete the Group as well as to create SAP Systems

D - System item

  • Click on any company System menu item to expand it and so display all Connectors associated to it
  • Use its sub-menu to edit or delete the System

E - Connector item

  • Click on any Connector menu item to display all monitors (monitoring Profiles) that have been associated to it
  • Use its sub-menu to edit, delete, activate or deactivate the Connector

F - Profiles

  • Use its sub-menu to :
    • Create your own monitoring Profile
    • Import Pro.Monitor ready-to-monitor default Profiles
    • Discard (delete) all those Profiles that are not currently used

G - Profile item

  • Click on any profile item to perform multiple operations such as :
    • Activate or deactivate its monitors
    • Change monitors configurations
    • Run monitor tests
    • Add or remove monitors
    • assign the profile to Connectors
    • Clone the profile
    • Delete

2 - Configure

  • On top of your main page, you will find the Configure tab
  • This feature will allow only administrators to perform multiple operations on :Companies, Systems, Tags, SAP Users, Profiles, SLD Profiles and Reports.
  • For detailed information see Using Configure feature

3 - Companies view / Systems view

  • On top of your main page and next to the Configure feature, you will find Companies views and Systems view tabs.
  • Use these tabs to get a complete overview of all Companies or Systems and their specific information such as number of monitors being affected to Systems, those that had encountered errors during execution, flapping connectors, etc.
  • For detailed information see Views

4 - Language selector

  • At the top-right corner of your main page, find the application language selector :

5 - Administrators settings

  • At the top-right corner of your main page you will find the Administrator settings (only administrators)
  • For detailed information see administrattion

6 - Log out button

  • Click the log out button to properly quit the application

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/userguide/userinterface.txt · Last modified: 2020/05/07 16:41 (external edit)