Generic User guide for SAP Cockpit. This Guide explains rules, data flows, configuration rules and menu used on the Out Of the Box version of Agentil SAP Cockpit.
The main screen is divide in two parts, containing different information
The first big rectangle (could be green or red) shows the global system availability. It reflects the “system Availability” Pro.Monitor’s metric
The second part displays the alarm repartition for a given NetWeaver system, sorted by Module. The pie diagram is drawing the severity repartition
The two tables show database Information related to Backup and figures associated with ABAP or JAVA instance Based on the Pro.Monitor metric “Database backups” and “Database size”, the Database table gives DATA and LOG filesystem usage in percentage
JAVA table displays JAVA stack availability and the different process status
ABAP table gives memory usage and status of the Stack
This shows the alarms list, sorted by severity. An action button is available to acknowledge directly the alarm This list cannot contain more than 100 alarms.
It shows the alarm repartition per module for a given HANA system. The pie diagram is drawing the severity repartition
The two table on the upper left shows information on Systems and Services.
Node Information:
Service target:
This table shows the HANA system availability. If there is multiple Tenant, they are listed and an indicator show the status. It could be Green or Red
This shows the alarms list, sorted by severity. An action button is available to acknowledge directly the alarm
To be able to see the job report summary, user must add a specific line in the configuration file.
Example : In ProMonitor, open “SAP job monitoring” on an ABAP Monitor. Launch a test and look at the result screen
Please note the “TARGET” column, it will exactly be the name used in ServiceNow configuration file. Let's take “SWWERRE (800)”, so copy the character string with spaces.
Now, on a daily basis and on a weekly basis, the job will be automatically added in the Job Report Summary. URL of the Summary page is https://<SNOW INSTANCE>/sapcockpit?id=jobreport
Those two tables shows a report based on job execution time. The first number in cell is the avrage job execution duration in ms, the second is the standard deviation and the third number is the number of measure used for calculation.
Clicking on the Jobs name redirect the user to the report table where data are stored. In this view, the user can consult metrics used for calculation
The first table shows a daily job report, and the second one shows weekly statistics
The Alarm list button shows the list of alarms, currently not acknowledged. When an alarm is acknowledged, it disappears from this view but still exist in the system. If the same problem comes back, the same alarm will be raised again, the acknowledge field will be set to false.
When clicking on an alarm, user go to form view. In this view, an alarm could be acknowledged or “snoozed”
This means that the alarm will be acknowledged during a period defined by the user.
Acknowledgment set a field on the alarm called “Locked until” and set the acknowledgment field to “true”. After this time, the alarm come back in not acknowledged mode
This table is used to register each metrics coming in Service-Now from Pro Monitor, and store the last value. Metrics here aren't deleted by any process, but a update count grater than 1 or 2 days means that the metric is no more monitored by Pro Monitor
The Metric table contains all the “bulk” metrics coming from Pro Monitor. A table rotation has been setup on Service-Now side to avoid having millions of metrics here. This table is used to created curves and dashboards on the Portal
ProMonitor is able to send reports to ServiceNow with email. Such Reports are stored in a table. This page displays the two widgets, on the right the reports received today, and on the left the reports received in the past.
Choosing a report will open the report page, simply click on the attachment to open it
Admin Menu is available for user with admin role
ProMonitor is able to send tons of metrics in Snow. To avoid serviceNow to be spammed by metrics, a configuration table contains (see UI16 menu) a list of metrics « authorized » to be pushed in ServiceNow. Adding metrics in this table will add a new metric in ServiceNow
The same table is used to add Jobs in the Job report module to be monitored
Changing the different properties will change the Portal data output.
Alarm and Metric retention time in Days. Items are removed when they are older than “Days”