To access this feature : Go to Adminstrator Settings (gear icon, top-right of the main screen), click on “Monitor statistics” menu option
This functionality allows the user to inspect all monitor batchs jobs and easily get a situation breakdown.
It is an usefull tool to supervise all agents workload
Batch view
For every executed batch, which will group a given number of monitor jobs (see next section for details), Redpeaks will display a table row.
As shown in the below image, on each row you will find :
Batch start/end time and its total (all monitor jobs included) execution time (duration column)
The Redpeaks agent that asked to launch the batch
The number of jobs composing the batch (number of jobs columns)
Those that have been actually executed - not rescheduled - (Executed column)
Jobs that has been killed by the system (Killed column)
Those that have successfully terminated (Succeeded column)
The number of jobs that have been aborted by the system (Aborted column)
Jobs that have encountered errors or warnings during their execution will be displayed in Finished with errors and Finished with warnings columns
Details of monitor statistics screen
Clicking on a Monitor Statitistics main table row (see previous section) will open a screen having relevant information about every single monitor job that compose a given batch job, as shown in the image below
Use left dropdown list to select the number of rows to be displayed on the screen.
Status dropdown list will display only jobs having a particular status
Enter a text in Job name text input field to quick search for a particular job name
Enter a text in Connector name text input field to quick search for jobs related to a specific connector
Table rows contains, among other information :
Elapsed time between the moment that the job has been initially scheduled and the time the job result data has been received (Scheduled / Result received column)
Milliseconds precision time the job has been waiting on execution queue (Queue time)
Time (expressed in milliseconds) needed by Redpeaks to gather all necessary data to prepare the job result report (Collection time column)
Number of Alarms and Metrics sent by the job execution (Alarms and Metrics columns).
warnings and Errors encountered during the execution of the job (see next section for details)
Monitor view
This view allows to look for a particular monitor and get a breakdown of its executions. Use the filters to narrow down according to:
Monitor status
Just click on a monitor's row to display its details
Display all FAILED monitors for a given system
Display all Short Dumps monitor results for a given Group
Job details screen
Pro.Monior supplies the user with a third drilldown level by clicking on any Details of monitor statistics table row (see previous section)
Detailed information coming from all Alarms and/or Metrics (depending on job) as well as Errors and Warnings the job might have encountered during its execution will be displayed (see image below)
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/administration/monitorstatistics.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:52 (external edit)