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The Redpeaks cockpit application needs one central cockpit application server and one or several collectors
You will find in this guide the mandatory prerequisites for a successful installation


  • Those responsible for installing the solution should have the following skills:
    • Basic linux administration for installing software and creating user accounts
    • SAP basis users & authorizations administration
    • Database users administration
    • Network administration to implement network routes

Redpeaks cockpit host


The hardware requirements directly depends on the number of devices that you want to monitor.​

SAP systems CPU Application Memory Disk
<10 8 Cores 16 GB 100 GB
<50 8 Cores 16 GB 200 GB
<100 8 Cores 32 GB 400 GB
>100 16 Cores 32 GB 1 TB


Supported OS:

  • Linux CentOS/SUSE/RedHat (7 or above) systemctl must be available for a smooth installation

Third party software:

  • Java OpenJDK > 15 (64 bits)
  • Victoria metrics
  • MySQL Server > 8.0

Redpeaks collector host

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/installguide/prerequisites.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:52 (external edit)