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Device Dashboards


  • Each type of device has its predefined dashboard
  • A dashboard will show general information about the device as well as very detailed information about its health, performance and historical data.

Dashboard types

Type Description
Netweaver Dashboard for Netweaver systems and associated instances like ABAP or JAVA
HANA Dashboard for HANA DB tenant

Dashboard widgets

  • Device information will be displayed via dedicated widgets, such as graphs or tables
  • Those widgets will behave in the same way across dashboards and are described below

Dashboard header helps to quickly identify the device and its current status:

  • Type icon
  • Current state
  • Device name
  • Device type
  • Device URI


Alarms overview

  • The alarm overview shows the number of current alarms associated to the device, by severity.
  • You can also see the grand total and the number of alarms received today
  • You can click on the widget to be redirected to the alarm application, filtering on the current device

Dashboads tabs

  • Dashboards have tabs to organize the information in an appropriate way.
  • It often starts by an Overview tab showing a summary of the device information
  • A given tab usually adresses a particular module or type of data from a given device
  • It is often possible to be redirected to a specific tab via a single metric panel in the cockpit or in the dashboard


  • This describes the current connectivity state of the system and its availability rate in the last 24h/7d
  • You can expand the panel to see state changes


  • Depending on its type and configuration, each system will have a different set of properties
  • Some properties can be discovered from devices, (Version, …) and some others can be set manualy (Localization,…)

Single metrics

  • Displays the current value of a given metric
  • Shows metrics name, description and unit when available
  • Panel background can arbitrarily change color based on metric value or based on current alarms
  • If a dedicated tab is available in the dashboard, to click on the metric will open the tab and load its data.

Information tables

  • Tables are used to display metadata of various kinds, such as list of components with their associated health or performance metrics, list of items, etc…
  • A header describes table content and contextual information
  • Tables can often be expanded or collapsed
  • When enabled, a filter field allows to search for specific information
  • An export button allows to download the content of the table in a CSV format
  • The content of a table will often depend on the selected period


  • Graphs display metrics data across a period of time.
  • Move the mouse over the graph to visualize instant metrics data
  • On some graph, you can zoom in using the mouse:
    • Click once to hide the tooltip (Click again to unhide the tooltip)
    • Click down and brush over the desired period
    • This will automatically reload the data for the selected period across all dashboard tabs

Period picker

  • The period picker allows to select the period of time to use to display device data
  • To change the period within a tab will also change the period of other tabs
  • You can select predefined periods, or set your own custom period via the custom period form or the date picker.
  • Custom period form and date picker allows to select a period with an offset versus current time
    • Example: Period: 24h Offset: 7d : Displays 24 hours of data from 7 days ago

Time units to use in custom period form:

Unit Description
s seconds
m minutes
h hours
d days
w week
y year
  • Examples:
    • 24h: 24 hours
    • 30d: 30 days
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/cockpit/1.0/userguide/application/dashboards.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:52 (external edit)