
SNC ABAP connection

This chapter describes how to set the SAP Secured Network Communication (SNC) protocol in
 an ABAP connector. In the following sections, the SAP server will be called « SNC server » 
and the collector be called « SNC client ».


  • This documentation is meant for SAP admins who already understand SNC mechanisms.
  • The below procedure is a general guide, but not a complete description of the configuration steps involved when configuring SNC in SAP.
  • Check the troubleshooting section below first if you run into some problems


The SNC configuration consists of those main steps:

  • Create a dedicated folder and install crypto libraries on the client
  • Set environment variables
  • Generate PSE certificate
  • Generate SNC client certificate
  • Register SNC client certificate in SAP
  • Register SNC server certificate in the client
  • Create credential file for the SAP user
  • Configure SNC user in SAP
  • Configure SNC settings in the ABAP connector

SNC libraries

SNC cryptographic libraries and certificates must be installed within a dedicated folder
enabling the SNC client to handle PSE certificates
  • Create a folder dedicated to SNC:
    • Example: /opt/Pro.monitor/SNC
  • Download the latest SAPCRYPTOLIB package from SAP launchpad and extract it in the dedicated SNC folder
  • Copy the license ticket file to the /sec sub-folder of your SNC folder
    • If ticket file is not available in the crypto archive, you can find one on the host of an SNC enabled system, in the sec folder: Example: /usr/sap/ID2/DVEBMGS00/sec

Environment Variables

  • Two environment variables must be set for the SNC client application and sapgenpse to work:
    • PATH
  • Set environment variable in file
    • cd <PM_INSTALL_FOLDER>/bin
    • echo export SECUDIR=<YOUR_SNC_FOLDER>/sec »
    • DO NOT EDIT file manually
  • create file /etc/profile.d/ and add below settings:
export $SECUDIR

Create PSE of the SNC client

We use the SNC configuration scenario called « Using Individual PSEs for Components ».
  • Here we decided to use this Distinguish Name for the SNC client: CN=PROMONITOR, OU=REDPEAKS, O=REDPEAKS, C=CH
  • From SNC client, open a shell and run the following command:
    • cd <YOUR_SNC_FOLDER>/sec
    • ../sapgenpse gen_pse -v -p PROMONITOR
  • In return, the command should print a result similar to this:
 Got absolute PSE path "/home/notroot/SNC/sec/PROMONITOR.pse".
Please enter PIN: *********
Please reenter PIN: *********
get_pse: Distinguished name of PSE owner: CN=PROMONITOR, OU=REDPEAKS, O=REDPEAKS, C=CH
 Supplied distinguished name: "CN=PROMONITOR, OU=REDPEAKS, O=REDPEAKS, C=CH"
 Creating PSE with format v2 (default)
 Generating key (RSA, 1024-bits) ... succeeded.
 certificate creation... ok
 PSE update... ok
 PKRoot... ok
Generating certificate request... ok.
PKCS#10 certificate request for "/home/notroot/SNC/sec/PROMONITOR.pse":


Creating the SNC client certificate

  • From SNC client, open a shell and run the following command:
    • cd <YOUR_SNC_FOLDER>/sec
    • ../sapgenpse export_own_cert -v -p PROMONITOR.pse -o PROMONITOR.crt
  • In return, the command should print a result similar to this:
  Opening PSE "/home/notroot/SNC/sec/PROMONITOR.pse"...
 No SSO credentials found for this PSE.
Please enter PIN: *********
 PSE (v2) open ok.
 Retrieving my certificate... ok.
 Writing to file (PEM-framed base64-encoded)... ok.
  • The certificate PROMONITOR.crt is created in the /sec folder

Importing of the client certificate in the SAP SNC server

This operation will tell the system to trust the SNC client
  • In the SAP system, start the STRUST transaction to import the client certificate in the SNC SAPCryptolib PSE
  • Import the generated crt file.

Exporting of the SAP SNC server certificate

This operation will tell the  SNC client to trust the system

On the SAP system:

  • Run the STRUST transaction to export the SAP system certificate from the System PSE.
  • Mind the select Base64 file format.
  • You should obtain a crt file

On the SNC client:

  • Open a shell and run the following command:
    • cd <YOUR_SNC_FOLDER>/sec
    • ../sapgenpse maintain_pk -v -p PROMONITOR.pse -a <YOUR_SYSTEM_CERTIFICATE>.crt
  • In return, the command should print a result similar to this:
 Opening PSE "/home/notroot/SNC/sec/PROMONITOR.pse"...
 No SSO credentials found for this PSE.
Please enter PIN: *********
 PSE (v2) open ok.
 retrieving PKList
 Adding new certificate from file "S4H.crt"
Serialno: 73:E9:56:E2:33:DB:C7:8C:49:30:82:30:83:E5:A3:E2
KeyInfo : RSA, 2048-bit
Validity  -  NotBefore:   Wed Jan 27 11:50:47 2016 (160127105047Z)
              NotAfter:   Sat Nov  4 20:41:43 2119 (21191104194143Z)

 PKList updated (1 entries total, 1 newly added)

Creating the credential file for the SNC client user account

You have to allow the OS account of the SNC client application to access
 the PSE, by creating the credential file “cred_v2”.
  • The OS user running Pro.Monitor (promonitor by default) must be granted to open the PSE file
  • Make sure you register the same user !
  • This is an example for promonitor account on previousely created PSE file
  • From a shell run the following command:
    • cd <YOUR_SNC_FOLDER>/sec
    • ../sapgenpse seclogin -p PROMONITOR.pse -O promonitor
  • In return, the command should print a result similar to this:
 running seclogin with USER="notroot"
 creating credentials for secondary user "promonitor" ...
Please enter PIN: ****
 Added SSO-credentials (#0) for PSE "/home/notroot/sec/PROMONITOR.pse"
  • The file cred_v2 is created in the sec folder.

Configure the SNC client user in SAP

  • In the SAP system, run the SM30 transaction and edit USRACLEXT table.
  • Add a new entry for the SNC client user and its Distinguished Name.
  • Be carefull to add the user in the right client.
  • Example:

SNC settings in ABAP connector

  • Within the ABAP connector setting, activate SNC checkbox.
  • Fill out the below fields:
    • SNC library: The path to the sapcrypto.dll file within SNC client.
    • SNC partner name: the DN of the SAP SNC server
      • Example: p:CN=ID2, OU=I0020275243, OU=SAP Web AS, O=SAP Trust Community, C=DE
    • SNC my name: the DN of the SNC client

Troubleshooting cannot open shared object file

  • Executing sapgenpse triggers an error such as:
ERROR in unix_dlopen(): dlopen("") FAILED:
" cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
  • This issue can be resolved by creating a dedicated conf file in /etc/ folder, such as:
    • /etc/
  • The file must contain the path to your SNC folder, by example:
# more /etc/
  • from your SNC folder, run ldconfig
  • This will register the path to your library.
  • sapgenpse should now run successfuly
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8_old/userguide/configuration/systemsconnectors/abap/snc.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 14:27 (external edit)