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  • Pro.Monior allows administrators to fully configure a system with an specific functionality : System.
  • This feature is subdivided in the following sections (see image below) :

Worker settings

In this section, administrators can configure :

  • How many parallel tasks a monitoring process will execute :
    • This setting will determine how many single taks (monitors) Pro.Monitor is able to execute at the same time
    • Notive that this setting is tight to the number of microprocessors (cores) of the machine on which Pro.Monitor has been installed
  • The allocation (in GB) of the monitoring processes memory :
    • This value concerns the maximum amount of memory that can be allocated to an entire monitoring batch (to be seen as a container of monitors)
  • Monitoring processes' timeout (in minutes)
  • The possibility to compress or not monitoring results. Notice that compressing results will demand a certain CPU process time

Retention settings

Under this section, administrators are able to :

  • Activate monitors result retention:
    • To store monitor execution results.
    • This function is useful to track generated alarms and metrics, long run times or aborted results
  • Store statistics only:
    • Keep only track of monitor execution status (won't store alarms/metrics/results).
    • This will store much less data in the DB.
  • Set the minimum number of seconds a given job (Pro.Monitor Monitor) executes its task before storing the job result.
    • This setting is particularly useful when Administrator need to track monitors that have taken a long time to execute.
  • Set the number of days that Pro.Monitor will keep in memory the monitoring data
  • Set the number of days that Pro.Monitor will store in memory monitor tests information
  • Configure the number of days Pro.Monitor log files will be kept in memory - at disposal for downloading -
  • Launch a “clean up procedure” that will immediately delete all retention data prior to the settings above explained

Change tracking settings

  • Whenever a Pro.Monitor user performs an action that will provoke a significant change in the system, administrators can give the possibility or not - checking on “Optional” - to a user to enter a note concerning the reason for that action, or make this feature mandatory - checking on “Mandatory” -. Check “Deactivated” option to immediately deactivate this function.

Timeout settings

In this section, administrators will be able to :

  • Set the timeout value (in seconds) for a report to be generated

Flapping settings

Under this section, the administrator can determine :

  • When a given system is to be considered as a “flapping system” trough the following parameters :
    • Period : It represents the time lapse (in hours) to be taken into account
    • Threshold : It represents the system flaps threshold, once this value is overreached (within the Period parameter value), the system will be considered as “flapping system”

/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.7/userguide/administration/adminconfig/system.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/11 09:46 by rbariou