Following components are the key elements of the configuration.
It is important to understand what they are, how to use them and configure them.
A company is an organizational unit in which monitored systems will be organized
It is also a silo that can be used to isolate a group of systems and configure their visibility across Pro.Monitor users
A system represents an SAP system as per SAP terminology.
Every system must be attached to one company
It is identified by a system ID (SID), a 3 letter string
Within a system, Pro.Monitor might use several connection means to access to the target data
These connections means are identified as connectors
Administrators can classify a system by adding one or more Tags on it (see “Tags” section here below)
A connector defines an access mean to a SAP system
It is attached to one system
Depending on the type of system, connectors can be created individually or sometimes being created automatically based on system settings
For each type of connector (ABAP, HANA, BusinessObjects, …) will correspond a type of monitor
SAP user
In most cases, connectors will need to use user credentials to connect to the systems.
These credentials will be stored in a SAP user profile and associated with one or several connectors.
User profiles are associated to one company
A profile is a configuration template that can be used across several systems.
It provides a way to centralize the monitoring configuration of several systems and to facilitate configuration changes.
It is composed by a group of monitors with a specific customization
Profiles are built by selecting monitors in the monitoring library, and then by configuring each monitor for a given purpose
All systems associated to the same profile will be monitored the same way.
The use of profiles is the only manner to associate a monitor to a system, it is the central component of the configuration.
Profiles will be associated to connectors (and not to systems), therefore, profiles will usually contain monitors for a given type of connector.
A monitor represents the configuration of the monitoring of a specific module or component within a system (ie: Users, CPU, Response times, etc…)
One monitor can usually only be assigned to one type of connector (ie ABAP buffers monitor can only work with ABAP connector)
Via a set of filters, thresholds, severity, periods and other specific parameters, you can configure in details how a monitor will perform and what kind of data it will produce (alarms, metrics, etc…)
You can for instance configure a large scope monitor picking any event on any instance as well as reacting to a specific event, for a specific user on a specific instance.
The actual monitoring is defined in the monitors
The same monitor can be configured differently across different profiles
Monitoring library
The monitoring library is a set of profiles containing monitors with a predefined configuration
It is meant to facilitate the configuration process by providing default templates.
These templates have been configured based on recommended configurations.
SLD profile
An SLD profile defines the connection parameters to the System Landscape Directory of a company
Once a profile is configured, it can be used to discover the registered systems from the SLD and create automatically all necessary systems an connectors.
Plugins are used to integrate Pro.Monitor with another application.
It contains the connection parameters used to connect with an external API.
As Pro.Monitor produces alarms, metrics and reports, they can be transferred to external solutions using plugins.
Pro.Monitor allows Administrators to classify SAP Systems : System Tags.
A Tag is simply a “label” that can be assigned to Systems.
Administrators can put one or more Tags on a given System.
Tags can also be used as discrimition criteria when assigning Authorization Profiles (see Authorization Profiles for more details)
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.7/userguide/configuration/configurationitems.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/15 18:53 by rbariou