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Main page

This is the home screen of Redpeaks:

Find here below a description of the different sections :

Left Menu Navigator

To the left of your main page, you will find the Left Menu Navigator that will allow you to perform multiple operations : create, edit and delete Companies, Systems and Connectors as well as Monitoring Profiles, to display all Companies and underlying elements

  • Netweaver and BO top tabs : Switch between these two tabs to display all Hana and Netweaver SAP systems or SAP Business Objects (BO) systems
  • Systems : Use this menu item to : Add Groups (Companies), Add all kind of SAP Systems, open the Redpeaks System reports page. Besides you can modify Left Menu Navigator menu view using “System” or “Company” tabs
  • Company (Group) item : Click on any Company menu item to expand it and so display all Systems belonging to that Group, use its sub-menu to edit or delete the Group as well as to create SAP Systems
  • System item : Click on any Company System menu item to expand it and so display all Connectors associated to it, use its sub-menu to edit or delete the Connector
  • Profiles : This menu item will allow you to create your own monitoring Profile or import Redpeaks ready-to-monitor default Profiles, you can also discard all those Profiles that are not currently used
  • Profile item : Click on any profile item to perform multiple operations : activate or deactivate monitors, change their configurations, run monitor tests,etc


On top of your main page, you will find the Configure tab, this feature will allow only administrators to perform multiple operations on Companies, Systems, Tags, SAP Users, Profiles, SLD Profiles and Reports. For detailed information see “Using Configure feature”

Companies view / Systems view

On top of your main page and next to the Configure feature, you will find Companies views and Systems view tabs. Use these tabs to get a complete overview of all Companies or Systems and their particular information such as number of monitors being affected to Systems, those that had encountered errors during execution, flapping connectors, etc For detailed information see “Views”

Administrators features

On the top-right corner of your main page you will find the application language selector , Administrator funcions and the log-out button

  • Language selector : CLick here to select Redpeaks language
  • Administrator settings : (small gear icon) this feature will allow only administrators to perform multiple management operations on :
    • Redpeaks application final users and their authorizazions to the application
    • Snapshots
    • Changes tracking
    • Monitor errors
    • Monitor statistics
    • Agents errors
    • Monitor Helps
    • Administrator configuration
    • Alarm rules
    • Licenses
    • Plugins
    • Agents
    • About
  • Log out button : Click here to quit the application
/home/clients/8c48b436badcd3a0bdaaba8c59a54bf1/wiki-web/data/pages/products/promonitor/6.8/userguide/userinterface/mainpage.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/01 18:35 (external edit)